All About Dual Pneumatic Cylinder


Dual pneumatic cylinders are a type of pressure cylinders which helps to move load in 2 directions including rotary and linear. Dual pneumatic cylinders are widely used in industries and very useful for your machines using dual movements. These cylinders are able to extent and pull back loads in a specific direction.

Furthermore, dual pneumatic cylinders contain two ports which allow air to enter and out in a suitable manner. When air enters at one port, it puts pressure on pistons to move forward and retracts it by moving through the other port of cylinder.

Dual pneumatic cylinders are widely used as compare to single pneumatic cylinders as the dual pneumatic cylinders have the capability to retract and extend in a very short duration of time. Moreover, these dual pneumatic cylinders are mostly used in thousands of industries. These cylinders are also used robotic industries and these cylinders make them able to move, rotate and lift things easily.

These cylinders have many other types as well which are widely used for operating many systems and machines. These cylinders are preferably used by the robotic industries in order to make their robots flexible. That is why, we can see the robotic technologies advancing and a robot can now perform all of those tasks a human can perform. By using these cylinders, they have made their robots to perform accurately. That is why these cylinder types are a bit costly due to its maximum features.

Types of dual action pneumatic cylinders

Dual action pneumatic cylinders can be divided into many types which are given below.

  • Dual Action Cylinders with one sided piston rod

Dual acting pneumatic cylinders have classified into further two types based on its piston rods. One type of the cylinder has one sided piston rods which helps in flowing of fluid in to the blank areas of the piston. For retraction, the fluid is flowed through the pump which returns back to the tank. These cylinders are used in industries for one sided movement.

  • Dual Action Cylinders with two sided piston rods

On dual action cylinders with two sided piston rods are mostly used for flexible movements. These cylinders are used for working on two sides of the cylinder. It has the capability to lift weights upward as it contain extra bearing which help it to move forward and uplift weights.

Cylinders with 2 sided piston rods are more flexible and are widely used in industries especially robotic industries that use these cylinders at a maximum number.

  • Tie- Rod Cylinder

Tie rod cylinders are the expensive cylinders as it has many features than other traditional cylinders. These types of cylinders offer bending, forging and clamping. Its configuration can be updated and you can accommodate the size, length and other requirements for its compatibility.

  • Welded Cylinders

Welded cylinders are very useful and are used by thousands of industries throughout the globe. These cylinders are suitable for manufacturing as well as packing industries. These cylinders are suitable with about all types of mobile applications and you can operate it easily from your device.

Though these cylinders are difficult to assemble and disassemble but it offer quality piston rods and bearings which has a good lifespan and makes it beneficial to use.

  • Mill Duty Cylinders

Mill duty cylinder is a dual action pneumatic cylinder which contains dual rods positions size. It offers a high durable lifespan and is widely used in machineries for making equipments able to transfer, stretch, mold, tilt, latch and press. It is commonly used in thousands of industries all over the world.


Dual Pneumatic Cylinders are more reliable than single pneumatic cylinders and it has more advantages than a single one. Here are some of the advantages of dual pneumatic cylinders.

  • Double pneumatic cylinders are opposed to the single action pneumatic cylinders, and are ISO compliant.
  • It holds more control upon the motion as it contain two ports for air pressure and helps it to manage movements in many specific directions.
  • Dual pneumatic action cylinders offer a number of designs based on bore and stroke sizes.
  • Due to its modern design and features, it is proved stronger and faster than traditional cylinders.
  • Moreover, it consumes a very less energy which makes it unique among all other cylinders.


As everything has it’s a certain pros and cons, same like that dual action pneumatic cylinders have also its own advantages and disadvantages. Some of the disadvantages of these cylinders are given below.

  • As you know that double action pneumatic cylinders are designed with modern feature and proved to be more beneficial than others, that is why it costs more than other traditional cylinders. People can think of its price as a con of the cylinder but I would not agree upon it as it offers certain feature which does not have, due to which it will definitely cost more.
  • As dual actions pneumatic cylinder needs to be connected with other machines and those machines often require a wider space than traditional cylinders. That is why you would need a bigger house to keep those larger machines. So, it is place consuming.
  • A dual action pneumatic cylinders is often gives an issue of air consumption at different rates in many situations.



All of we know that the use of traditional cylinder have became extinct due to the introduction of all these cylinders which is designed with modern technologies. The new featured cylinders are now offering a number of modern features which help humans to work easily and more efficiently. Though there are different types of dual pneumatic cylinders as well but all of that are better suitable to perform different functions.

Someone may assume that the modern cylinders are costly and can take up more space but to be fair, it also provide a number of features which a traditional cylinder cannot. Furthermore, it can also lift things upward and downward while having the feature of easily rotating, and you cannot found these features in a single pneumatic cylinder.

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