What is Die Sinker EDM?


Die-sinker EDM, also known as ram EDM or conventional EDM, is a specific type of Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) used primarily to machine complex shapes and deep cavities in molds, dies, and various hardened materials. It involves an electrode (typically made from copper or graphite) that is pre-machined into the inverse shape of the desired cavity and gradually sunk into the workpiece to create the mold or die form.

How Die-Sinker EDM Works

The process starts with the electrode and the workpiece submerged in a dielectric fluid, usually oil or water-based. The electrode is then moved towards the workpiece under controlled conditions. When the electrode is close enough to the workpiece, an electrical voltage is applied, creating sparks that erode the material. The dielectric fluid helps cool the process and flush away the eroded material, maintaining the integrity of both the electrode and the workpiece.

Comparison of Die-Sinker EDM to Wire EDM

To highlight the differences and help choose the right EDM type for specific applications, here is a comparison table between die-sinker EDM and wire EDM:



Die-Sinker EDM

Wire EDM

Complexity of Shapes

Capable of machining complex geometries and deep cavities.

Best for cutting intricate contours and delicate details.

Type of Cut

Uses a formed electrode to create predefined shapes.

Uses a continuously moving wire to cut through material.

Material Waste

Less material waste as the process involves direct shaping.

More material waste due to the cutting process.


Generally slower due to the need for custom electrode shaping.

Faster for cutting through materials, limited by thickness.

Surface Finish

Can achieve a high surface finish with less post-processing.

Typically requires more post-processing for a smooth finish.


Requires creating a new electrode for each shape.

More flexible, as the wire can be programmed to cut various shapes.


Higher initial costs due to electrode manufacturing.

Lower setup costs but can have higher operational costs depending on material and thickness.


Applications of Die-Sinker EDM
Die-sinker EDM is particularly useful in the following applications:

Mold and die making: For producing molds for plastic injection molding and die-casting.
Complex geometries: Useful in aerospace and automotive industries where intricate designs and durable materials are common.
Small batch production: Ideal for producing small quantities of parts with high precision requirements.

Advantages and Limitations


  • Capable of producing complex shapes that are difficult to achieve with other machining methods.
  • Provides excellent surface finish, reducing the need for additional surface treatment.
  • No direct contact between tool and workpiece, reducing mechanical stresses and tool wear.


  • Slower compared to other EDM methods like wire EDM when it comes to simple cuts.
  • Higher operational costs due to custom electrode manufacturing.
  • Limited to conductive materials only.
  • Die-sinker EDM remains a critical technology in modern manufacturing, particularly in mold making and tooling industries, offering precise control over shape and depth even with tough materials. Its ability to handle unique and intricate tasks makes it invaluable in high-precision industries.


Die-sinker EDM continues to be an essential technology in modern manufacturing, particularly valuable in mold making, tooling, and industries requiring high precision and complex shapes. At Oscar EDM, we leverage this technology to deliver top-tier manufacturing solutions, capable of handling the unique and intricate demands of high-precision industries such as aerospace, automotive, and medical devices.

As a leader in the field, Oscar EDM is committed to pushing the boundaries of what's possible with die-sinker EDM. We offer customized solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients, ensuring optimal performance and quality.

If you are looking to enhance your manufacturing capabilities with die-sinker EDM or explore the potential applications of this technology in your operations, we encourage you to contact us at Oscar EDM. Our team of experts is ready to assist you in navigating the complexities of EDM and integrating this advanced technology into your production processes. Reach out to us to discover how our expertise and technology can help achieve your manufacturing goals.